Shared by Chubb

Jun 19, 2017

Chubb clinches "Asia-Pacific Insurance Innovation Award"

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

We are thrilled to be conferred the "Asia Pacific Insurance Innovation Award" for our CargoAdvantage® system at the StrategicRISK Asia Pacific Risk Management Awards 2017.


The inaugural industry awards were independently and rigorously judged by a panel of risk experts from across the region.


The "Asia-Pacific Insurance Innovation Award" recognises insurers who can demonstrate that they have developed an innovative risk and/or insurance product, solution or initiative that has significantly benefited one or more of their Asia-Pacific clients.

CargoAdvantage is Chubb's proprietary and web-based marine insurance quoting and issuing system. A user-friendly platform, it has provided the transport and shipping community in the region with a reliable solution which can reduce business risks via a simple web-based system.


Chubb is forging closer relationships with the transport and shipping communities to support and add value to them with products as well as risk management and e-commerce solutions. This award is testament to our work in developing a truly ground-breaking solution to benefit our clients in the region.
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Article Source;

Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited
